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How to Leave a Review for Your Favorite Podcasts

Want to support your favorite podcasts? Leaving a rating or review on Apple Podcasts is a great way to help them grow! Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to leaving a review for The GRACED Podcast (or any show) on an iOS device.

How to Leave a Rating or Review in Apple Podcasts (iOS)

  1. Open the Podcasts app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap Search at the bottom of the screen and type in the podcast name (e.g., The Mom Hour).
  3. Select the show from the Shows section (not an individual episode).
  4. Scroll down past the episode list until you reach Ratings & Reviews.
  5. Tap Write a Review to share your thoughts or simply select a star rating (you can rate without writing a review if you prefer).

Thank you for your support—it helps The GRACED Podcast continue to grow and improve! ⭐

Leaving comments on Spotify podcast episodes is a great way to interact with the content you love, share your insights, and connect with fellow listeners. Try it out next time you tune into an episode!

👉 Need help? Read this blog post for step-by-step instructions on how to leave a review!