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Listen to the GRACED Podcast

00:00:00 Episode Preview

00:00:23 Opening

00:00:58 Introduction

00:02:28 Interview Begins with Pamela and Samantha

00:03:33 Sisterhood Across Cultures

00:04:47 Personal Journeys of Overcoming

00:05:56 Meditations for Ancestral Guidance

00:07:53 Soul Contracts and Past Lives

00:12:20 Feng Shui for Financial Flow

00:16:45 Balancing Energetic Connections

00:23:56 Golden Ancestors and Family Connections

00:27:45 Vedic Astrology and Family Dynamics

00:29:35 Journey of Abandonment and Sovereignty

00:32:02 AD – Download the Mystic Mondays App

00:32:34 Moving Through Cultural Programming

00:37:00 Balancing Individualism and Collectivism

00:42:37 Overcoming Doubts from Loved Ones

00:46:33 Natural Growth Without Force

00:47:57 Navigating Cross-Cultural Spirituality

00:49:24 The Power of Laughter and Play

00:52:08 Animal Signs and Personality Traits

00:55:27 Delving Deeper into Lunisolar Astrology

00:57:56 What is your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs?

00:59:41 What Advice Would You Give to Your Younger Self?

01:00:30 How Would You Define Everyday Magic?

01:01:40 What Are You Looking Forward to in the Near Future?

01:02:50 Collective Reading from the Caticorn Tarot by Pamela Chen

01:04:49 Closing Statements

01:06:21 End of Episode – Make Sure to Leave a Podcast Review!

01:07:01 End Card

Welcome to the GRACED Podcast! A space for everyday magic for your everyday life. We do this through rituals, aligning yourself to your soul’s purpose, and creating Alchemy to heal our mind, body, and spirits so that you can bring in more love and joy, manifest your desires, and believe in your dreams. Listen and watch over at and on YouTube, Apple Podcast, Spotify, Instagram, TikTok and all the places you can find me on social media. Now let’s dive into today’s episode.

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Full Transcript

💖 Introduction

Grace: Today’s guests are Pamela Chen and Samantha Blossom, co authors of The Mandarin Tree Book, a book on how to manifest joy, luck, and magic with two Asian American mystics. In today’s episode, we talk about various rituals, connecting to entities from Asian diaspora like the Laughing Buddha and Kuan Yin, and how we can use the Lunisolar Zodiac, otherwise known as the Chinese Zodiac, to better understand ourselves, and so much more.

You may recognize Pamela from a previous GRACED Podcast episode where we talked about themes of the Magician Card, which we dived deep into the realms of manifestation. It’s a juicy episode, So listen back if you want to get all the details on how to best activate your manifestation powers.

And if you’d like to dive deeper in getting to know yourself better, discover your Tarot Birth Cards as a way to understand the central themes in your life. We have a free calculator on how to do just that on, along with extensive and in depth Tarot Birth Card reports available to order on our website. And we are doing a giveaway of Pam and Sam’s book, The Mandarin Tree, over on Instagram and YouTube. More details on how to enter this giveaway over @grace.duong and @mysticmondays.

Now let’s dive into this episode.

✨ Interview Begins with Pamela and Samantha

Grace: Hi Pam and Sam! Welcome to the GRACED Podcast!

Pamela: Hi Grace, thanks for having us!

Samantha: Hi Grace, so excited to be here, yay!

Grace: Definitely. So tell us about your relationship with each other and what it was like collaborating on this book together.

Samantha: So, me and Pamela have a past life together, and we knew that we wanted to collectively create this, so in this lifetime, we reunited, and very quickly, we were like, oh yeah, we should write a book together, and we did, and it was so flow, and it was like very magic, and we’re just like sisters, like with the editors, we’re like, oh my gosh, you guys sound like almost the same so it was really like a one voice that came through, so really exciting.

Pamela: Yeah, Sam and I actually met online. We met on Instagram and I think we knew each other maybe a year or two years before. She really wanted to write a book and I was like, okay, first I was gonna like help her and I was like, that’s a lot of work. I was like, why don’t we just write something together?

And so that’s when we just collaborated and we pitched something and it worked out.

✨ Sisterhood Across Cultures

Grace: Yeah, I noticed in the book you refer to each other as sisters, and I come from a Cantonese heritage, so we say jiejie for sister, but in Taiwanese, is it the same?

Pamela: Same, yeah, jiejie, and then I’m meimei, because I’m a little younger.

Grace: Yeah, so tell us about this past life.

Samantha: So, basically, we saw kind of like royalty codes, which was really interesting, and it was really more towards the middle of the book that we like saw this lifetime together, and we were both like, oh my gosh, it was kind of like a memory that just kind of like unraveled, and we were like, oh, we like, We knew we wanted to create this, and I think part of it is just restoring prosperity to everybody.

And part of the coding of the book is to reactivate energy, reactivate prosperity. We were like, oh, let’s plant little prosperity mandarin trees all over the planet, you know?

Pamela: I had a past regression, and I went in and I was getting all these messages about being one of the empresses.

And so I was like talking to Sam about it. We like Googled it and there was a real one and we kind of like found everything and we were like, we were, I’m getting chills right now. We were like, yeah, we were both there and like this was happening. And so it was really exciting to get confirmation.

✨ Personal Journeys of Overcoming

Grace: That’s awesome.

Yeah, I noticed that your book. Has so much magic within it, whether it’s rituals, incantations, and for anyone that is looking to integrate more of their heritage in a way that highlights prosperity, what would you say to that person?

Samantha: I feel like one of the things is like, it’s easier than you think.

And I also feel like there’s a lot of cultural coding that makes it so that we accidentally suppress our power and we put ourselves in disempowerment. And I think the book kind of reawakens you and re hypnotizes you to your own power and that’s really the main thing is to shake you out of Parental programming and really get you back into like soul divine alignment.

So really like every chapter of the book is to get you back into your soul power.

Pamela: I think every culture has their abundance codes and also maybe blockages and beliefs that we need to release around like the lineage. And we do share our personal stories inside the book to show people how we overcame all these blockages.

✨ Meditations for Ancestral Guidance

Grace: Yeah, so for anybody that is looking to connect with their ancestors, there might be a lot of generational trauma and things that they have to get through, but also highlighting a lot of that joy, abundance, magic, luck, how does one clear those negative attachments so that they can Embrace the more positive aspects of their lineage.

Samantha: So I think that a lot of this is probably more easily done with an actual healer that you’re working with, but I do feel like the book is like a door opener so that you can do some rituals and you can connect with them on your own. And essentially it’s really going back into the timelines and giving back to your past and also receiving from your past and really just like Over and over again, seeing how abundant everyone is, and it’s helping the personality, the identity, to kind of look around in the scenery and realize there were always more options than that person thought.

So there’s always more abundance available than we think. Like, our brain tends to be a little bit more narrow minded. But when we look back in a situation, we’re like, Oh, there were so many other paths for me to take. There were so many other options. There were so many other choices. There was already so much abundance that was available, but maybe you didn’t see it in the moment because your focus was just in one area.

And so I feel like the rituals help you start to clean up some of those frequencies and also gives you some opportunities to connect with your ancestors and connect with past versions of yourself. Yeah.

Pamela: I think that’s The seven archetypes that we have in there, one is a golden ancestor, but even if you’re not working with your ancestors, if you’re working on ritual and magic and you’re working on yourself, it goes back, right?

It goes back through your lineage to your ancestors and to the future, and so the meditations to connect to these guides and working with these guides through ritual will naturally clear up blockages and release and let go so that you can expand and call in what you desire.

Soul Contracts and Past Lives

Grace: So I’m fascinated by this past life connection that you have.

Do you feel like it was a soul contract for you to meet again in this lifetime and to create this book together?

Samantha: I think the only way that it was so fast and so flow, to me, it’s like, yeah. I mean, we had almost like, no, we didn’t really have much resistance in this. It was just like, yeah, let’s do this.

Okay, you write this piece, I’ll write this. And I feel like it was just a lot of flow.

Pamela: I mean, we knew before that we had some sort of soul contract, for sure. And so, I think this just kind of solidifies it. And it was interesting that regression came up during the middle of writing our book.

It’s basically a confirmation. You’re on the right path. This is what you’re supposed to be doing, and just go with it. Even though we flowed so easily together the writing part, there was a lot of Editing around the entire book, like the vision of the book, where it’s going and what we named it, I think it changed like three times, and it came out like the best version ever.

Samantha: And I also, so what’s fascinating, I was creating this program called the Oracle Codes, and Pamela and Alex both took the Oracle Codes, and that was part of when Pamela was like, hey, you’re such a good writer, do you think you might want to write a book? And that was kind of how the conversation started, but I feel like it’s so interesting how both of our lives kind of weaved in and out, and we really brought each other back to, into like our own alignment.

There was like certain people that left Pamela’s life, and then like new people that came in. I think even just with both of us coming together vibrationally a lot of things course corrected and adjusted for both of us. So I do feel like it was kind of like this past life booster of like, hey remember we’re gonna come back in on this mission together.

And I do feel like we both from the very beginning had a really big intention for the collective. And every day we’d be like, oh my gosh, Mandantree’s gonna be in airports, we’re gonna see it in movies, like like, And with the simple intention that this book could be just physically in your home, and it’s gonna raise the vibration of your home whether you’re reading it or not like, that was our intention.

Pamela: What if everybody who reads it has a sole contract with us, right? Ooh! To read the book, that would be really cool, yeah, probably!

Grace: Planting mandarin trees all around the world. Yes. So this book is very specifically about the Asian American experience and bridging the gap between Eastern and Western modalities.

What was it like for you growing up and how did you integrate Eastern magic into your Western upbringing?

Samantha: So I went to Catholic school. I was in Catholic school for 12 years and so I do feel like I dealt with this, okay, how do I fit all of my Buddhism knowledge, like my Tibetan Buddhist lineage with all this Catholic knowledge, and I just at a very young age, just decided I get to have both.

And for a long time, I would tell people yeah, I’m, I’m Buddhist Catholic. Well, I really didn’t get that, but I was kind of just like, whatever. And so, I think, at a young age I just allowed them both to occupy my imagination, and just had space for both of them, and just decided they both worked really well.

Pamela: So, I came to the States in Hawaii. Really early on, so I moved from Taiwan when I was four, and so I mean, we used to go to the temple all the time, and I believed in all of this stuff, because everybody believed in it. So I think magic, and how it affected my magic and my spirituality, was really positive because I really believe, I give everything a try, right?

Because everything can be real. And I just remember that we, that one time, our family, so our family, one of our family members, I forgot who, but she went into the airplane, and they had the disposable cameras at that time. And the only pic, she took pictures of the clouds, and the only pictures that came up was like, and they think it’s Kuan Yin, and they took it was like black and white of this goddess.

And so we had her on our altars and stuff, and so all of this energetic stuff, I believed at a very young age. And growing up in Hawaii was really easy because there’s a lot of Asians. And so, it was, the belief of everything was, and Hawaiian, Spirituality, everything was very open. So I’m really grateful that I got that childhood.

✨ Feng Shui for Financial Flow

Grace: That’s amazing. Let’s talk about energetics and specifically the energetics of money and abundance since I know the two of you are both money coaches in your own right and I feel like that bounces off of the both of you and also obviously the creation of this book and what you’ve put into it.

So what is the energetics of money and how can someone manifest more wealth in their lives especially if they might be struggling with Cultural or societal programming, and what Far Eastern cultural traditions have influenced how you relate to wealth in abundance today?

Samantha: So I feel like there’s, essentially in creation, you can be creating your hologram of life from fear or love.

And I love, David Hawkins book on power versus force. And he has the frequencies, and so at 200 is Courage, anything above 200 is in Creation Mode, so Love is at 500, Enlightenment’s at 750, 850. And Shame and Embarrassment are at 20 and 30. So, to me, money can be created from Shame, Embarrassment, and Fear, but it will create a very different reality for you.

So, for instance, you can create a lot of money from that frequency, but you might have a physical house, but it doesn’t feel good. You might have a lot of physical things, but it doesn’t actually feel good. You can also come to that high frequency of love and manifest love from that space, and that money is gonna, I think, last longer, feel more playful, the things it creates is different.

And so I feel like certain cultures, like especially like I think in the Asian culture, my perspective is there has been like Some shame coding and embarrassment things. And, and I think to learn and to teach your body to rise above that and to come into a deeper heart space. I love Joe Dispenza’s work where he teaches you to bring your kundalini energy up into the heart, bringing heart coherence up into the brain.

The brain coherence then starts to create really beautiful, Holograms of Reality. So to me, if you can master not projecting your survival programs, fear, anxiety, worry, onto the creation of money, instead bring your happiness, bring your laughing Buddha, bring your joy consciousness, bring your aliveness, bring your mandarin orange tree like energy onto the creation of money, you’ll create and manifest money from a different realm, a different space.

I always say if you’re in fear, don’t even look at your bank account. Think clouds, bamboo leaves, trees. Think something else. Corn, peas. Don’t think about money when you’re in that fear state. Just redirect your momentum somewhere else. Get yourself into a higher love frequency space, a heart open space, and then come and look at your money and come and look at what you’re creating and you’ll start to have a really different relationship with it.

Pamela: Yeah, I 100 percent believe that too. And just think of money in abundance like a radio frequency, we can’t see it, but it’s there. So if you want to listen to FM, you can’t get the stations on AM, right? So if you think about 100 and what you can experience in your life and the frequency of that, it’s very, very different from 100, 000.

So if we desire 100, 000, then we have to create the frequency. Through love, through play, through laughter, and raise our vibe, that’s why everyone talks about it, so that we can be open to the opportunity of receiving that hundred thousand. So I do believe that everybody is born with the wealth codes, with the abundance codes.

It is our birthright, that is true. But we still have to claim it. We still have to take action to receive that. And that is us being human going through this incarnation, right? Learning the lessons and releasing and letting go and expanding. I also really do love have a really big influence in my life the last few years is feng shui.

So, I mean, before that, I would play with crystal feng shui, which is inside of the book, and I would use crystals to amplify my frequency, to manifest what I desire, because crystals hold really powerful energies. And the past couple of years that I’ve been really into placing other stuff to create a sacred space and flow in my office, in the home, to call in more abundance.

So that has been a really big influence for me.

✨ Balancing Energetic Connections

Grace: So what if someone has received a lot of programming from family and whatnot? Like, what is the point of distancing yourself from family to then raise your vibration or How important is it to maintain loving boundaries? And is there a way to protect a higher frequency if you are around perhaps like lower vibrational people that might be your family or friends or whoever that you’re surrounding yourself with?

Or does it happen to course correct like you mentioned earlier in this interview?

Samantha: So, I have a few strategies for that. One is The more that you can accept it, instead of block it. So, one is, while they’re having the negative conversation, if in your mind you can say, I love and accept this too, which I think is a very high level, if you’re able to say, that person can have their negative reality, I don’t need to change it, but it also doesn’t need to affect me, that’s the highest level.

If you can have someone yell at you, and you’re like, I love and accept this too, and you integrate it in your nervous system, that’s the highest level. Another way is thick layers of white light in between you and the other person. A third way is envisioning roses. Roses have been used for thousands of years and they have thorns.

And so before the emotions enter your aura, it will hit the rose instead. So it doesn’t come into your life force. So I feel like that’s, those are some tools that you can use until you can master, I love and accept this too. And I do feel like, especially when people are in the beginning of this work, there’s definitely a lot of value in distancing yourself, because you may not have the energetic bandwidth or the capacity to hold your own vibration around the other person, so you might need to distance yourself and have some space.

And that’s a hard thing to do, and to be able to have the conversations of being like, this isn’t personal, I’m just on a different path, I’m wanting to elevate I’m wanting to change the trajectory of my life. Once they can stabilize the new thought field, it they may be able to reintegrate back into that relationship and see how that changes.

But sometimes that other person is never going to change. And, and sometimes they will. Sometimes when you update your consciousness, the other person will also shift their consciousness. That has happened several times. Everyone’s going to be a little bit different. You know, it’s like we’re all playing different puzzle pieces.

We’re all different avatars. And so you kind of just get to kind of play and see what works for you. I feel like there’s different medicine for different people.

Pamela: Yeah, I think I personally have that, that is my experience in my life because I am not close to my family because I moved out at a very young age and actually I didn’t really know my dad and my mom left to go back to Taiwan when I was in Hawaii, third grade.

I don’t really interact with my family and it’s really funny because readings that I have done with Vedic astrology and the Nadi leaf in India and they have told me the reason for this is. Of course, this is also contract, like how we talked about before the past life, but they are not in my life because I didn’t have to take on their karmas so that I can actually create my own beliefs because I think if they did bring me up, well, I would have more blockages than I have now to clear and I do view it, I mean, I don’t hate anybody for doing anything I did a lot of healing already, and I think that’s the big thing you don’t have to talk to them, but maybe just accept that this is what happened, and they acted because that’s their human, that’s their consciousness, and we can’t change them.

The only thing that we can change is ourselves, so we can create the life that we desire and continue to send them love. Like, when I do my prayers and puja, which I chant mantras, then it’s also sending to my mom that I don’t talk to. So I am open to the energetic connection with her, but talking to her did really stress me out, and it was okay not to, it’s okay for me to close it at this time, and so I choose to doing that while building my business, and I think the attracting the negative connections.

Energy or people. And we see this in the book. If you have a really powerful practice every single day, your magical practice, your spiritual practice, if you’re focused on protecting your energy, raising your vibration, and have a really strong mindset, you’re Then naturally, you’re not going to attract all of these people, because what we focus on is what we call in, so we really do have to take responsibility also in what we are creating in our lives.

And sometimes, most of the time, it’s our subconscious, so we don’t know, and that’s okay. But now that you know, after you read the book, then we can consciously and decide What we want and start creating our lives from.

✨ Introduction to Sacred Code Activation

Grace: That’s beautiful. I know in the book, you mentioned Sacred Code Activation several times, and not everyone knows what that is, so please tell us what is a Sacred Code Activation, and how does one integrate that into our lives?

Samantha: So, what I love about Buddhism Is, for instance, like Amitabha Buddha, one of his phrases is, just say my name if, right before death, if you can just say my name, you can raise your frequency high enough that you can connect with him and he’ll come get you. So, it’s kind of an example like that, that these sacred activations were channeled to be so simple that you can just read the sacred activation and feel your cells shifting.

Just reading it is going to give you a cellular update, it’s going to help your DNA and your RNA optimize to the current software program. So basically the globe is always evolving, like the planet is always shifting, it’s always evolving, and why we get so reactive is our brains haven’t updated. Our nervous system hasn’t updated, our DNA didn’t update.

So by reading the Sacred Activation Codes, it just helps you to upgrade. It’s updating the software programming. Every time you read it, you’re in a different state. So the words aren’t static. The words are ever evolving. So every time you come back and you reread the book, it’s gonna be a new coding for you.

It’s gonna be the latest software update for your system. And so, basically they were channeled, and it was just to make it as simple as possible for you to have these software updates.

Pamela: There is, three parts to the Sacred Code, I believe, and one are some affirmations and mantras for you. You can read it like Sam says, or you can say it.

I like saying things because your voice is a tool. It is a powerful frequency to change, immediately change anything around you, and so I would say these out loud. There are some amazing, amazing prompts there. Activation Ascension prompts that you can use to really take your perception and mind and energy to like the next level, get you out of where you think you’re stuck, and reframe everything so that you can move forward and find a solution.

And then there are the beautiful channeled messages that Sam channeled. for every archetype and again you can just read those and take it in and you might feel something you might not you might know but just know that it is working no matter what.

✨ Golden Ancestors and Family Connections

Grace: Yeah, I wanted to go back to your relationships to your families and also this idea of chosen family because obviously you two refer to each other as sisters and you’re expanding this energetic code to the world through your book and through your other creations and so how important is it to Honor where you come from, even if you may not totally relate to that, but also expand your energy, your knowledge, your codes to include other people that might vibrate at a vibration that you want to vibrate in.

Pamela: Actually, I really didn’t want to include the Golden Ancestors, because Sam brought it up, and I was like, well, I don’t know my family, I’m not really connected, and I, and this is a while, this is like two, three years ago, and I just started working with my ancestors then, and so I didn’t realize that if this living lifetime, you’re not close with your family, it’s okay.

You can still work with your ancestors and I do believe that we all chose each other. We signed soul contracts with each other to come here to play out a karma, right? A karma is just like something that we can figure out a solution to, to move on. Maybe it’s to develop compassion or learning something.

And so each person here, they have signed a soul contract with you, good or bad. And you said yes to helping each other out in this lifetime.

Samantha: Yeah, so I, I feel like to me there’s kind of a combination. There’s like where your soul is vibrating at and there’s also the mission of that soul. So we kind of choose these lifetimes to come in.

Even this last week, I went home and I visited, Vancouver, Washington, where my mom is at, and I stayed at one of my friend client’s places, and she’s kind of like a second mom to me, and it was just so peaceful and so beautiful and so perfect, and it actually helped me appreciate my current mom, because I was like, I needed the challenges that my mom brought to me.

My real mom brought me the challenges to activate me in a way that would help me bring this work through. If I had maybe like a perfect childhood, I don’t think some of this work would have been able to come through me. And, and so I feel like there’s kind of this combination of Really rising to rising up to the challenges that your current family brings to you.

And also giving yourself permission to vibrate with new soul family. People that are actually on your on purpose with you. I feel like there’s a combination of it, you know? And I think that, I don’t know, it’s hard to say, but I don’t know if just cutting off A family just excluding. I don’t know if that’s the best route, but it could be.

I mean, I think everyone’s a little different.

Pamela: I think we have, what we call family constellations. So, energetically, we’re all connected. So, even if you think there is a bad sheep in the family, or a lot of my clients actually think they’re the bad sheep in the family, we don’t cut them off energetically, because they’re still part of the family, and you still have to honor them.

Whether they are alive or ancestors, but in. In real life, your human life, it’s okay not to have that verbal connection until you do feel ready, but I think the acceptance that they are part of the family and that they have something to add to your life should be there for us to heal. I know there are times where we are grieving or when we do feel strong emotions if something happens and I don’t think we should, we shouldn’t bottle that in or lie to ourselves that we love them and we should just allow that feeling to be expressed and then work on ourselves.

Like Sam said, work back to neutrality and work back to love. So we’re always working on our emotions and our energy and all of that. It’s a process.

✨ Vedic Astrology and Family Dynamics

Grace: Absolutely. And so if somebody does feel the need to cut somebody off or protect their energy, do you feel like that is in some ways repressing or blocking off their own energy by blocking off someone else?

Samantha: I think as long as you can keep your heart open like, just like Pamela was saying, it’s like, you can, you can set a boundary and be like, hey, three dimensionally we’re no longer connecting. But on a energy realm your the heart is still flowing, the heart is still communicating, connecting.

You’re just setting a strong boundary of hey, in this physical video game of reality like, you’re not actually a key player in my life. Like, this is not a player I want in my reality. But I’m I’m not gonna s I’m only gonna be sending love. Like, it’s very important that the that the heart energy is able to be radiating that love and not blocking the love.

Cause if you’re blocking the love, that’s when things aren’t gonna be great, cause that’s an extension of yourself, right? But you can three dimensionally, I think you can set a boundary and being like, Hey, this is not my perspective of reality.

Pamela: Yeah. So my business partner, Alex, and I work with Vedic Astrology.

She’s really the expert, but I think she reads minds in our clients enough for me to kind of know. But actually in your Vedic Astrology chart, you can see if you are supposed to 3D talk to your parents, right? Because your mom is the moon and your dad is the sun. And for some people they do because their moon might be in their house of money.

And so whenever they talk to their mom, it reflects their Thoughts and beliefs around money. So it’s really cool how you can figure all these out. So yeah, there are contracts sometimes you have to talk to them, sometimes you don’t need to, and then we just kind of figure that out ourselves, right?

See what aligns with your heart, I think is the biggest thing.

✨ Journey of Abandonment and Sovereignty

Grace: Yeah, and I suppose there are certain phases of life, right, where sometimes you might have A lot of interaction with some family members and sometimes you’re going through a bit of a hermit mode phase, you know. I feel like it also ebbs and flows with where you’re at in life, with the relationships that you have, not just with family, but friends and other people that come in and out.

It ebbs and flows.

Pamela: I think Asian families are interesting, at least I know. from Taiwan because they used to just like throw kids anywhere. I mean, to have a better life, but like they would, we would have cousins come and live with us for like a year or two or three years without their parents. I mean, I lived with my grandma, my auntie with no parents and just like everybody just kind of throws their kids around and they don’t, they don’t really care.

Samantha: Okay, so for me, my mom left to work in Taiwan when I was six and for a long time I was like, I felt abandoned. And way later, I realized wow, what a gift in my timeline, because if she had been there from 6 to 13, I would have taken on so many more programs, just like Pamela was saying, and it was like, I really realized Spirit really set me up for life where I was really sovereign, where I was able to have a lot of connection time and meditation time, and so, yeah, I think it’s just trusting your life path Like, wherever you’re at right now the universe basically, every single step was laid out perfectly for whatever you’re experiencing right now.

And I love, in this program, it’s called To Be Magnetic, and it’s a manifestation program, but she’s like, there’s no friends, there’s no enemies, including family members there’s no friends, there’s no enemies, there’s just mirrors. So is this person mirroring your high self worth or your low self worth?

So if the family member or the person in front of you is mirroring a low self worth, as in they’re continuously triggering you on some level, there’s some part of you that you get to go back and heal and bring back to high self worth. So it’s always like a gift, you know. If something’s triggering you, there’s something that you can look at and evolve.

Pamela: Yeah, and I think with any of these seven archetypes and guides inside of the Mandarin Tree, you can really connect with them, build ritual, and then you can call on them anytime if you need anything. Even if it’s not what we wrote in the book for that theme, you can still call in Kuan Yin or the Laughing Buddha if they pop up and call in that frequency to help you.

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✨ Moving Through Cultural Programming

Grace: Yeah, so what I’m hearing is that every relationship every situation, every tower moment, or whatever it is, is an opportunity for you to really reflect and see how your body is reacting in this moment.

And it’s an opportunity for you to reprogram yourself to rise to the occasion, and Sam, you mentioned life being this video game of sorts of I’m imagining like levels of going up or down, and I’m curious about what you think about cultural traditions and how much culture plays into one’s identity as they play this video game of life, because the both of you In this lifetime, we’re Taiwanese, and I don’t know if in a previous lifetime, we were both of the same culture as well.

And we’re all Asian American here on this podcast, interview anyway, and I’m wondering what you think of when people manifest as a certain culture in a certain timeline. So, I do feel

Samantha: like, and again all I can speak from is my perspective of reality. Like, I can’t really even say it’s all Asian Americans or all Asians, but my perspective of how I’ve experienced Asian American life is that I felt like I had to move through shame programming, burden programming, self sacrifice programming, self depreciating programming.

I think there were a lot of different things that were just inherently built in And not even, it’s not even like my mom consciously taught me these things, or that my family member, it was almost like I was just in the culture of it, and I’m like, just hearing the conversations, just watching the TV shows it was just it’s just like collectively there, and also a lot of Self sacrifice of like, hey, I need to give to the entire family.

I need to think of everyone else’s needs before mine. And there’s like a balance I think in the U. S. it’s much more individuation, what’s for me, whereas like, I think the Asian culture is like, what’s for everyone? And I think there’s a beauty in finding that balance. But I do feel like the way that I observed the Asian aspect was too much self, self sacrifice to the point where that person would burn out and they didn’t have enough energy for themselves because they were giving to the whole collective.

And I saw those programs running inside of me as well. And so, yeah, so I would just say different cultures have different types of patterns that they get to break through. So I’m sure someone that lives in like, Iraq, I have no idea what those patterns would be I can just speak about the ones that I’m really familiar with in this video game, you know?

Pamela: I think I’m really lucky to have grow up and have grown up in Hawaii, because there’s a big melting pot, so everybody was mixed someway, except for me, I’m like 100 percent Chinese Taiwanese, but everybody is pretty much mixed, and so they were very open, and I don’t think we were ever like, you’re this race, you’re this race, because everybody was everything.

And so I thought that was really beautiful to witness, and when I moved up to Vegas, then yeah, there was like, oh, I’m actually Asian. Like, there was an aha moment there oh, I am Asian. Hawaii is very beautiful, and everyone is really open and really accepted. I know that Sam had talked about, when she was growing up, she kind of had dual identities, because you’re mixed, right?

So maybe you can share a little bit about that. Like, I thought that was really interesting to hear, because I didn’t have that.

Samantha: Yeah, so I had a hard time because I would go to Taiwan and in the kindergartens people would be like, What are you? Are you like American or Chinese, you know? And then my cousin would like try to protect me, she’s like, She’s both, so what?

You know, it was like this weird playground battle. And then I would also have that same experience like in Vancouver, Washington, where I grew up. And they would think I was Native American, or Mexican, or Spanish, or like, they would just always ask me well, what are you? Like, that was kind of a question that I I’m 1982, so I think mixed was still kind of new then.

I know when I went to Hawaii, everyone’s like, oh my gosh, we love hapas, and it was the first time I experienced that, you know? But growing up it was more just you’re an alien what are you? I’ve never seen someone like you, you know? And so, yeah. I had to deal with a lot of I think, identity, just issues in that way, you know?


✨ Balancing Individualism and Collectivism

Grace: Yeah, and I feel like so much of this is about identity, right? And integrating our heritage into our lives in a way that works for us as we’re integrating new modalities and obviously you two both do so much energy work and have integrated other programming into your life. And I feel like with this identity, and for my experience as an Asian American as well, I do feel like there was a lot of like, group consciousness from the family of like, group first, and then America growing up, it’s very like, individualistic, and having to balance the two of finding your own identity in this world, and so, when it comes to identity, and when someone’s really trying to foster a sense of self, Where you want to also connect with other people, how does one center oneself and find their identity?

Samantha: This is recent for me, but one of the most incredible practices is just to really have a really great morning ritual, where right in the morning I start to write like my desired outcome. I make myself the priority in the morning so that my voice and my frequency is running through my body. So, just like Pamela was saying saying what you want is so important, because the moment you allow someone else to speak to you and all those things you’re immediately starting to take on other people’s agendas and their desires and all these things, and it can be so fast to just be like, oh, I’ll just do what everyone else wants.

And you, and you never strengthen the muscle of what is it that you really desire. So, I think this would have completely changed my life if I had started this as like a young kid. Just to have the practice of every morning, come to like my lane of the playground. What is it that I want to create in the universe?

How do I want to feel today? What miracles do I want to call into my life today? Come back to that drawing board every morning and every evening, and then it’s like I’m cleaning up my receptor site. It’s like I’m cleaning up this vessel so that this vessel is charged up to create what’s right for me and my soul.

And then I’m filled up with me, and then I have overflow, and I can connect and play with other people and friends and not get lost in that. And not feel like, oh, who am I? What did I want today? Like, the consistent clarity every morning of like, this is who I am, this is what I’m building, this is what I’m creating, this is how I want to feel.

Like, me deciding that identity and me anchoring that in over and over again. Then when someone else tries to tell me that I’m something else, or they try to like, Project an idea on me. I’m, I’m so ninja, I’m so strong in my own self that I become unwavering.

Pamela: Yeah, I definitely have a morning ritual if anybody knows me.

They know that my morning practice is strong and I do feel it. I mean, not all the time I’m doing it, and when I don’t do it, I do feel the difference. And I think it’s really important to know what you want. So I have a lot of clients that come to me and they’re like, I want abundance. So I’m like, well, what does that look like?

Right? And they’re like, well, I don’t know, maybe 10, 000. I’m like, but what is that going to do for you? What are you going to do with that 10, 000? What are you going to do with abundance in your life? What do you want? And so you have to get very clear on what you want to do with that money or what you want.

Your life to be like, what is abundance for you? Because it can mean anything for everyone. And I think whatever it is that you desire, if it is your true desire and not like your parents saying you have to be a doctor or lawyer, right? That’s not your true desire. If you have your true desire and you can look back when you were 14 years old, what did you want when you were 14?

That’s probably a true desire. And I do remember I wanted to write. But because I didn’t get the schooling, I didn’t I was really bad in school, I didn’t go to college, all of that, I didn’t think I could do it until I learned how to write and had my publishing contract. So, what is your true desire?

And even if it’s like a Chanel purse, and we talk about this all the time, because having something materialistic that you want, Doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. It still is going to lead you to your purpose. Whatever it is that you desire is already yours and it is going to lead you to your purpose because that’s what your heart wants and that’s what your soul wants.

And so being really clear on what you desire, having a morning practice. I do have, a system, it’s called 21 Day Manifestation Method and we always have to clear first because every day, We are receiving new programming. Old programming is there, but also new ones from TV, from radio, news, right? All these from other people, energetically and mentally, and so we need to clear that.

And then we can call in, and Sam and I, we actually manifest our book in a trip to Paris by Voice noting each other every single day, saying it as if we already have done it. And sometimes it would be so real that she would be like, wait, did we get the contract? I was like, no, not yet in real life. But we would play in this energy of already having that.

Thing. And you can write it, you can speak it, visualize it because the brain doesn’t know the difference between something that has happened as a memory or something you are creating. And so visualization is very powerful. And I love to lock it in with something physical. So like lighting an incense, lighting a candle to like ground that in and then take action from that space, right?

As a person who’s already gotten that thing, what would you do? And then that’s when you’re aligning to that timeline.

✨ Overcoming Doubts from Loved Ones

Grace: Yeah, so I’m also hearing that the both of you as chosen family are validating each other’s realities of what you want to bring in, whereas I think sometimes from like the family you come from, you might not have like family that might support, you’re gonna manifest a book, or you’re gonna manifest a trip to Paris, or was that one of the signs for the both of you that You are aligned and part of this chosen family with each other.

Samantha: Yeah, I mean, I love that you mentioned that. Like, my mom is obviously so excited that I wrote a book, but when I first told her, she’s like, mom, I got a book contract. She’s like, do people read books anymore? And it’s just like, so, it’s just so funny that it’s like it’s like my whole life I’ve just had to battle.

Her wanting to keep me safe and just being like, I don’t want you to fail. So let’s just like, make sure you don’t fail and so I do feel like right now I’m in the middle of potentially moving to like Palm Beach, Florida, and I have my new business partner, Lotus, and it was like, it’s the same thing.

It’s the same thing with Pamela. It was like, we have the same soul mission and it just makes it like, oh, the thing we want to create is in flow and in alignment, and it makes it so much easier to actually create that. I think that’s why masterminds are so powerful. It’s like, and that’s why hiring a coach is so powerful, because a lot of times when you’re around all the people that have known you your whole life. They’re gonna tell you, well, you’ve never done that before, how are you gonna do that?

I don’t believe you can do that, show me you can do that. They’re challenging you on some level because they don’t feel safe with you evolving. They see you as the same game player and they’re like, wait, you’re this game player, I want you in my life playing this game. Like, that’s what makes me feel safe so, so you really have to be so confident and bold and powerful in yourself to be like, I’m quantum, quantum leaping out of this reality into another one, if that’s what you want.

Pamela: Actually, even though, I mean, I don’t really speak to my family much, but when I do my grandma, my aunties and stuff, and my cousins, and they’re actually really supportive of what I’m doing. They might not know, my auntie keeps telling me to go sell crystal bowls. Which ow, she thinks that’s like spiritual and she sees me doing something spiritual.

She’s just like, you should, this lady in Taiwan. And I’m just like, okay, auntie, thank you. But they do believe that as an entrepreneur, you can make money. So my boyfriend of 18 years, when I started this journey, we just started dating and I was going to Reiki classes. And he was like, that’s the devil’s work.

Don’t do it. And he didn’t talk to me when I went to these classes. And I was like, fine. But I think in your heart, Or in your soul, you know you have to do this, right? It’s like bigger than this relationship that could or could not work, right? Thankfully it did. And it wasn’t like I had to convince him. I just kind of stayed, again, in my own power, in my own authenticity.

And he kind of felt that. I didn’t talk to him at all about it. And he just kind of leveled up because I leveled up. And he started talking to other people about my healing. And he’s like, yeah, she does healing. And then I remember my first self published deck, Crystal Unicorn Tarot, he was helping me pack and he’s like, what is this?

I’m like, that’s the tarot deck I worked two years on. And then he didn’t know what a unicorn was, but they don’t have to know, I think. And I don’t know how he makes money because he has this mindset where you have to like, save money, work your job, work hard, save money. And so when I was doing these side businesses, he would always tell me, stop doing that, stop doing that, just save money, go to work.

And I mean, I didn’t listen to him because I never listened to him. And you know, I was able to quit my four jobs and have my own business. And when he did my taxes, he saw that I was making money. And so he stopped talking about he stopped telling me to go to work. But sometimes now he still pops on.

He’s like, you could have done loans for houses and you could still make the same money. I was like, babe, that’s not the point. I’m not happy selling houses. You know, this is my passion.

✨ Natural Growth Without Force

Grace: Yeah. I love that Samantha mentioned the framing of safety, right? And you both mentioned the people that you love, even though their words might be a bit harsh or might rub you the wrong way, it’s out of safety and protection, but also safety and protection for themselves, right?

Because their identity is also shifted when your identity changes, and I’m curious, Pamela, because you mentioned you’re in a relationship with your boyfriend for 18 years. Has his identity shifted at all as your identity has shifted?

Pamela: I think so. I think he, he’s able to accept my healings now, like if something happens, and then I’ll be like, oh babe, let me heal you.

Or he always loses his wallet. And so I will use remote viewing and find it. And I’m like, if I find it this time, you have to tell me I’m psychic. And every time I find it, he’s like, You probably planted it there. But I have noticed that his thoughts became more expansive. than before, and so he was able to accept a lot more things now.

Like, sometimes when I chant a lot, and sometimes when I’m chanting, his office is out there, and he’s like, what is that drama? And I just ignore him, you know? And so, I think sometimes, we don’t have to wait for them, but just do your own thing, and then they will come along if you want them to, if they want to.

And I think it’s just a natural thing, and we don’t try to force anybody.

✨ Navigating Cross-Cultural Spirituality

Grace: Yeah. So since this book is written in English, did you find some nuances in the Taiwanese language that doesn’t directly translate in English and having to reword certain incantations in a certain way?

Pamela: I have something to add. It’s kind of close to that, but not really.

So I figured out while working on this book that Kuan Yin is really Guan Shi Yin Pusa. So it sounds kind of different, and I didn’t know they were the same goddess, and so I was like, Oh, because Pusa, that’s my goddess, since I was really little, from the Temple Masters, they told me, and so I worked with her, but I didn’t know that it was the same as Kuan Yin, and that’s why I didn’t really work with Kuan Yin a lot, because I didn’t resonate with that, and then when I was speaking to Sam about it, she’s like, that’s the same person, and I’m like, oh, so that translated, because a lot of times in Chinese, since I came to America when I was little, I think of the word, but I know the meaning in Chinese, but I don’t translate that, if that makes sense.

Samantha: Yeah, so that Kuan Yin has many, expressions of her, so Guan Shi Yin Pusa is the one where she has like a thousand hands. With a thousand eyes, like an eye in each hand so she can support anyone on the planet any time. And, but yeah, it’s kind of like you just don’t realize like, oh, it’s this same god, or same bodhisattva, but like a different expression, you know?

✨ The Power of Laughter and Play

Grace: Yeah, and you both mentioned the Laughing Buddha several times, so I know it’s also in your book. How can we integrate more Laughing Buddha? How can we activate the Laughing Buddha into our lives?

Samantha: I feel like when you can get into laughter and when you can get into play, it’s like all of your chakras just turn on it’s like when, when most of your cells are happy and buzzing and vibrating, I feel like it can kind of just like elevate you and ascend you into this other timeline.

You know, and it’s like, if if a few of your if you can get a few of yourselves happy, and then you can start to get the rest of yourselves happy, I feel like happiness protects you. You know if you’re in a lawsuit, or in a dark time, whatever, it’s like, if you can just get yourself into laughter and play, you’re gonna see miracles just pop in.

You’re like, oh my gosh how did that just happen? Because If you’re vibrating so high, those dense things can’t really touch you. Like, you just keep vibrating. Like, those things will just shed. And so the Laughing Buddha is Lord Maitreya. It’s the future Buddha. So, Sakyamuni Buddha was the last Buddha of this timeline, this Dharma timeline.

Then the future one is Lord Maitreya, which is Laughing Buddha. And so Laughing Buddha is just a different depiction of Lord Maitreya. So it’s just like Kuan Yin and Guan Shi Yin Pusa. It’s like, so we have like the Laughing Buddha with the belly, big belly that you’re rubbing. And he’s like symbolic of like, hey, you could take your time towards enlightenment.

Like there’s also a napping version of him. It’s like, you could take a nap and like get there if you want. You know, it’s like, he’s just kind of like, just chill, play, relax. It’s like, it’s just going to happen. That’s his consciousness.

Pamela: Yeah, I think that relates to like, the napping thing is don’t be so obsessed over your goal that you’re blocking yourself, right?

Like, release and let it go and let flow come. You know, when we are manifesting, when we are creating, we know what we want and we know what our desire is, but we don’t have to focus on the how. Because the hell is going to come in divinely, and it’s going to be miracles, and you won’t even be able to imagine what it is, and that’s what a miracle is, and I think the one thing that we really got for Laughing Buddha was like, gathering, eating, singing karaoke, and having a lot of fun together, and even, I’m going to go back to the Vedic astrology chart, with our business students, we saw that some of them For them to make money, they need to travel or get massages.

Like, if they do that, they will make money. It’s crazy. So whenever they are in a launch or really stressed out or they’re money’s not coming in, if actually they go do some kind of leisurely fun thing, that’s their money activator. It’s really cool.

✨ Animal Signs and Personality Traits

Grace: Yeah. And something that I noticed about the two of you is that you both have a lot of Laughter, energy, playful energy when you come into the room, so I feel like obviously that boosts everyone else’s energy when you also come in with your own like playfulness, laughter, high energy, and I think that also brings in more ease because people are probably maybe not as guarded or maybe able to let their guard down.

So something else in your book Commonly referred to as the Chinese Zodiac, but in your book, you refer to it as the Lunisolar Zodiac. Why is that, and how can someone use the Lunisolar Zodiac to better understand themselves and their life path?

Pamela: Yeah, so, it was originally the Chinese Zodiac, but actually Benebell Wen, who wrote the foreword for our book, she did bring up really good point that not only the Chinese use it, so a lot of the other different Asian culture also celebrates it and also some have the cat in it, though the Chinese one doesn’t, so we didn’t include that one, but I think it’s just like another way of figuring out yourself and your relationship with others and their energy, like really to understand how your connection is with other people. And Chinese feng shui is depicted with the energy of the year and the day and the time. So let’s just say this is the year of the dragon, right? 2024. I think everybody basically knows that.

And so we can come down to like the day. So each day is actually an animal zodiacal frequency. And so you can see if they’re in alignment or maybe they’re like the opposite and that day will tell you if it’s a good day or a bad day, kind of like astrology. So that’s really cool to see like the energies there.

Samantha: I think growing up it was really embedded in just the day to day conversations, like for instance like My uncle’s like a horse. So he had like horse paintings all over the house and he painted horses. And then I had two aunts that were born in the year of the pig. And my mom’s like, yeah, the pig life is so easy.

Your aunt’s just like on the couch and watch TV all day. And it’s just like, it is really interesting. I think it’s like the more you play with it, the more you kind of can understand it more. And it’s just another way of like understanding your personality. And for me knowing okay, I’m born in the year of the dog, and the dog can tend to be very loyal and worry a lot more, and because I’m protecting the so it’s I have a tendency to naturally worry, but I think just knowing okay that’s part of my Lunisolar Sign, so I can just be it’s okay, I can just accept it and not judge myself for being a little bit worried or too loyal, all these things.

And just understand myself better in that way.

Pamela: Yeah, and I think it’s also for bringing in good luck and good energy, you can use it for that. So, they say you can always keep your animal sign with you for good luck, and maybe the secret friend, which is in the book, like your ally. And so, if you can keep that in your wallet, if you keep that in your bag, keep it around the room or something.

Like, I actually have mine. It’s a rat. My friend got it from me in Japan, but it’s a Hello Kitty rat. And that’s my sign. And if you can keep these symbols by you, then it’s kind of like you tapping into that belief or frequency that, hey, it’s bringing you good luck today. You’re in good fortunes.

✨ Delving Deeper into Lunisolar Astrology

Grace: I like the way of looking at your Lunisolar Zodiac Sign as another way of encompassing the characteristics of that animal. I feel like something that I didn’t like completely resonate with was it categorizes like the entire year of people under that one animal, but I know that there’s other ways of reading the Lunisolar Zodiac where you have like other signs associated with it which is like something more like why people might relate to their big three in astrology or something like that.

It’s a Bazi Chart, is that right?

Pamela: Yeah, there’s like the elements, so I’m a wood rat, you could be like a water rat, or a fire rat, and then there’s also, there is a significant energy difference between female and male rats, and so you can read that throughout the year. I think it’s just like a basic overview of how your energy is going, but there’s always remedies.

I think that’s what I like about these, is that if the year is not going too well, this is something you can do to change that. To change your energetic flow or to protect yourself from they do call it misfortune, and to bring in more fortune, or like what to do, what not to do. So I like that there’s options and it’s not like you’re just screwed for the year.

Samantha: Yeah, and I feel like, honestly, that style of astrology is extremely complicated, and we kind of just gave a door opener, but like, if you really dive into Lunisolar Astrology, it’s very in depth, and It’s very in depth and really meticulous, and I don’t actually know a lot of people that can do those types of readings.

I’ve only had those readings in Taiwan. Like, for instance, I’m a water dog, but I have a lot of water, and it’s a lot of intelligence. And, which can also make me too emotional, all these things. It’s just very fascinating. But yeah, I mean, when someone is able to really dive into those charts, it’s very specific.

Pamela: I feel like this is really easy to read in this book, and you can gain a lot of knowledge and insights on that. I used to do these readings for friends and co workers a long time ago, and they were like, wow, that is me that explains so many things. And so I think this could give you like a good start in discovering other elements of your personality or power.

Samantha: Yeah, I feel like it’s just like a door opener. Someone already told us that they were like, Oh, after reading this section, they started finding all these other books, and now they’re reading going in depth into it.

✨ What is your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs?

Grace: So, we’re gonna move into Fast Five questions, and I’m gonna ask the both of you. What is your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs?

Samantha: In Western or Vedic?

Pamela: Good question.

Grace: You know, I think it’s what you’re comfortable with, because I know in Pamela’s first interview, she mentioned her Vedic Signs. So, what do you resonate with?

Samantha: I personally kind of resonate with both, so in Western, I’m Rising Sag, Sun Sag, Moon Virgo. And in Vedic, I’m Rising Scorpio, Sun Scorpio, and Moon in Leo.

And honestly I can see both for me really easily, and, but I do deeply resonate with my Vedic chart I did feel like when I found out, oh my gosh maybe I’m Scorpio I was like, that makes a lot of sense so I, but I also feel like I’m very playful, I travel a lot, I’m a super philosopher, so I feel like that sag really works for me too.

Pamela: I remember when we told Sam, her Vedic, and her world kind of ended for an hour.

Samantha: I was like, oh my god this is making so much sense my dad passed away when I was 13, I have a huge birthmark on my right leg I was just like, oh my gosh, what if I’ve been a Scorpio this entire lifetime yeah.

Pamela: So, so my Western, I am Sun Virgo, Moon Leo, Rising Capricorn.

For my Vedic, which I think I resonate more with, and a lot of astral, a lot of psychics that I’ve been to before, they actually tell me I’m Leo. So I’m Sun Leo, Moon Leo, and Rising Sagittarius.

So in Vedic, they actually look at your ascendant. They look at the rising, so I would say I’m Sagittarius.

✨ What Advice Would You Give to Your Younger Self?

Grace: Cool! Yeah, I totally relate in resonate because I actually relate to both of my signs and they’re like completely different when I switch back and forth, so I think it kind of like depends on your life situation and where you’re at.

So, what advice would you give to your younger self?

Samantha: For me, I would say play more. I would say allow yourself to be free, play, explore, and just give yourself that space to play so you can find out who you are.

Pamela: I think when I was younger, even though I was young, I would tell myself that it was too late to learn stuff. So there were a lot of stuff that I felt like I didn’t do or learn because I thought it was too late.

And so I’d probably tell myself, no, it’s not too late. You’re only, like 20, you’re only 18. There is a lot more life to be lived and you have time.

✨ How Would You Define Everyday Magic?

Grace: I love that. How would you define everyday magic?

Samantha: I think everyday magic is deciding that there’s magic in everything. Literally I turn on the faucet and I imagine platinum liquid light coming out of the water.

When I take a shower, it’s platinum liquid light. When I walk on the streets, I imagine gold light through the streets. Like, I’m walking on lotus flowers. Like, I’m always adding magic to everything I do. So that, to me, it’s like, I created the modality of the quantum particle because when I see things, I just see the particles of light everywhere.

So that would be my personal definition of everyday magic.

Pamela: I think my everyday magic is always seeing and receiving a miracle. So creating a miracle out of nothing sometimes, but also getting real miracles. But I would just be like, whoa! Like, when, when we go on retreats and hiking and walking, I’m just like, whoa, look at this stick!

It wants to come home with me. And I think it really does. And so just like creating these miracles. Wow, look what I found. I found a penny on the ground. And with that, because you’re focusing on miracles and abundance and joy and gratitude, like Sam says, that’s going to come in to your life even more.

And that’s magical to me.

✨ What Are You Looking Forward to in the Near Future?

Grace: What are you looking forward to in the near future?

Samantha: For me, I’m really excited about building out this app called Incredible You. So, I’m basically building something out so that I can take everything that I know and can teach placing it into one app, and then having retreats around it.

I want to do retreats around the world with that are surrounded by hot springs and just updating the cellular system. So, I feel like those are my two really big projects that I’m very excited about. What am I

Pamela: excited about? Well, Alex and I are in the process of somehow entirely merging our business, so combining like the Business Spiritual Academy and certifications, Akashic Energetic, all together into one.

And so that’s a big project. And of course, getting more published. Publish more books and decks and just like continue my publishing career. And yeah, I think I’m really excited for, I think next year, like all of my things are coming out and I feel like next year is just going to be really, really fun.

And money, yeah, but really, really fun. I think it’ll be really fun. It’ll be really busy, but I think it’ll be really fun.

Collective Reading from the Caticorn Tarot by Pamela Chen

Grace: Yeah, and I noticed several stacks of decks right next to you, and those are also some of your new publications along with the Mandarin Tree that’s coming out. So I would love to ask if you could give us a collective reading from one of your new decks.

Pamela: Yeah, I’m gonna use Caticorn even though it’s from US Games, but it’s not Llewellyn. So a cat and a unicorn is a Caticorn. This is actually a self published deck at first, and then I think it was too cutesy for Llewellyn, so they said no. And then I pitched it to US Games and they were like, yeah, we love it.

And so I will do, it’s really cute, the back. Is there a question, Grace, that you usually ask? Or Sam, do you want to ask a question? Anybody?

Samantha: I think just the thought of like, what will turn on the most miracles for everyone on the call today.

Pamela: Beautiful, I love that. This is the first time I’m doing a reading with this deck.

I just opened it. I’m gonna pull it back.

Four of Swords.

So this says to me is to like quiet your brain, quiet all like the hustling, and just rest, take a vacation, take a nap, and you are going to receive the miracles when you just like Let go and release and not be in, when is it coming? How am I gonna do this? Or what do I have to do? Or like just like hustling and trying to take all the action, all the manifestation, but you’ve done the work, right?

Every day you wake up, like Sam said, do your practice, do your morning practice, you’ve done the energetics, you’ve done the mindset. And then from there, just like lean back and release.

Grace: Oh, I love that.

Pamela: And then, you will be the Hierophant!

Grace: So many cute cats! Caticorns!

Pamela: Caticorns, yeah! Then you will become your own spiritual master, I think.

Once you learn how to just quiet the mind, go within.

Grace: I love that, because I feel like so much of this conversation is about mastering your energetics, and so much of it, if unconscious can run your programming, right? So you might get triggered if you’re driving your car or whatever, but I feel like, also, a really core thing that I heard from the both of you was accepting the present moment for what it is.

So, even if you are triggered by whatever it is in traffic or a relationship or a family member, I think the acceptance that you’re feeling from somebody else can also reflect the acceptance that you’re integrating within your own self of accepting aspects of yourself that you might have with.

Repressed, or might have needed to integrate, or something like that. And if anybody needs to go rest, that is definitely a sign to take that nap. And to do that self care, and to do what you need to do to get your energetic frequency up.

✨ Closing Statements

Grace: So, I want to thank the both of you for taking the time to be here, for sharing this wonderful book with us. I can’t wait for people to read it and to tell us how they resonate with it, how they’re integrating it into their lives. So, thank you so much.

Pamela: Thank you, Grace. Thank you, everyone.

Samantha: This was so beautiful. Thank you, everyone. We’re excited for the activations from this. So, thank you so much.

Grace: And planting more mandarin trees all around the world.

Alrighty, until next time, bye!

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Thanks so much for tuning in to today’s GRACED podcast episode! What were some of your biggest takeaways? I want to hear what you think! Leave a review on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or a YouTube comment. I read them all! Thank you 💖

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✨ End of Episode – Make Sure to Leave a Podcast Review!

Grace: Thanks for tuning in to today’s episode with Pamela Chen and Samantha Blossom. I’m so glad that we were able to talk about the Asian American mystic experience and how they bridged the gap between the East and West with their own magic and their own background.

I’m curious, what rituals appealed to you the most that we mentioned during this episode? Leave a comment to get the conversation started.

And as a reminder, we are doing a giveaway of Pamela and Samantha’s book, The Mandarin Tree, over at Instagram and YouTube.

Until next time, my dear mystics, sending you grace today and every day.

Thanks for tuning in to this episode. Remember to subscribe and check out more Grace Podcast episodes for how to apply everyday magic to your everyday life.

See you next time.